What an amazing night at The Chicken Box! The music was amazing and the support was overwhelming. Plus, check out this ridiculously cool visual representation of the show by Brian Butler.
We appreciate everyone's support and hope you all had as much fun as we did. We wanted to than a few people who went above and beyond to make this happen:
Rocky Fox and amazing team who were so supportive at the Chicken Box
ACKPrint for coolest t-shirts
Our amazing volunteer team: Jen Dunbar, Geri Walker, Nanci Walker, Susan Cary, Scott Strawbridge, Chris Warner
Nantucket High School class of '86 - especially Jana Duarte, Michael O'Keefe who rocked the house.
All of the bands -amazing performances by LAncE Mountain, Kimya Dawson, and Mike Krol
Filmmaker Josh Neuman whose documentary Johnny Physical Lives inspired the show- his brother's legacy brought us all together.
Band Art by Brian Butler - so cool.
Scott Capizzo and Mark Pommet for video
Gene Mahon (Josh Gray), The Inquirer & Mirror (Dean Geddes), N Magazine and all our friends, family, supporters on social media who shared the news