Musack is thrilled to announce gifts donated in Nantucket in the new year! By partnering with Nantucket Community Music Center, Nantucket Boys and Girls Club, Nantucket Public Schools, and Nantucket Blues festival, Musack has added to guitar and drum labs, podcast project, and rap and production lab. 

Musack continues to fund guitar and drum labs, taught by Nick Hayden and Aiden Sherry, at the Nantucket Boys and Girls Club

Musack has also started the Youth Podcast Program at the Nantucket Community Music Center led by Justine Paradise, a recent graduate of NPR Transom School. Floyd Kellogg, NCMC recording engineer, is assisting in production of the podcasts. 

Floyd Kellogg also instructs Musack's Rap and Production Lab at NCMC with Andrew Viselli.


Musack is also proud to give two scholarships in 2016 with the Nantucket Blues Festival to Nantucket High School Students pursuing post-secondary or college careers in music or production. Applications are available in NHS Guidance, and the deadline is March 31.

Stay tuned for more exciting news on Musack's programs in 2016!
